

Elevate your professional image and confidence with our expert advice.

Our recommendations will ensure you project success and command respect in every business meeting and environment.


Who It’s Good For

Searching for a unique style that reflects your personality and flatters your body? If so, the premium package is the solution for you.

Designed to provide customized fashion advice, the Premium package helps you achieve your style potential. From colors and fabrics to silhouettes and shapes, this package focuses on a versatile capsule wardrobe that revolves around core garments. It also provides shopping advice to help you shop smart in the future.


How It Works

First, you must fill out and submit an anonymous questionnaire to give our experts insights into your style goals, expectations, and challenges. This also includes hair and eye color information and body measurement details to help us formulate your best options.

Our team will schedule an online consultation with you within 3 business days. You’ll also receive your unique PDF document. In the one-on-one chat, you’ll talk with a professional style advisor who will provide detailed suggestions and answer any queries.

Supported languages:

  • English


What You’ll Receive

In the Premium package, you receive a 1-hour one-on-one consultation with an expert stylist. Here you can address your goals and ask questions about your guide. Your professional will provide personalized advice — no generic tips here!

You will also get a 10-page PDF of recommendations, which cover the following:

  • 30 recommended clothing items
  • Color palette suggestions for your features
  • 20 distinct outfits and possible color options
  • Items, outfits, and colors not recommended for you (to help you avoid them)